A.D.A.M. (Another Day, Another Memory) is a program that has been providing grief support for bereaved families of Jackson since 2009. A.D.A.M. is now a program of Catholic Charities of Jackson, Lenawee and Hillsdale Counties and offers grief and loss support to adults, children, and teens who are experiencing the loss of a child or other loved one. Call (517) 782-2551 for additional program information or to sign up for our free group support meetings.

The Mission of A.D.A.M.

The mission of A.D.A.M. is to help others recognize that grief and loss is an ongoing and challenging journey for any individual who has lost a loved one. Grief evolves and encourages self-discovery and new strengths. Your grief is never-ending; however, with the support of peers and loving family in a safe and welcoming environment, today could be manageable and tomorrow offers hope. Let A.D.A.M. be part of your journey. Join us for the opportunity to share in your loved one’s legacy.

Grief Support Group Meetings

Adult support groups meet at various locations and are run on a rotating basis, focused on specific types of loss. Watch our ADAM Facebook page or contact us for a list of upcoming group meetings. There is no cost to attend.

Information on groups for children (age four and older) and teens is available by calling (517) 782-2551.

Those interested in attending any of our ADAM groups can call Catholic Charities at (517) 782-2551. Volunteers are also needed to assist during group meetings and/or to help prepare materials and set up rooms for meeting.

Want to include your loved one in our butterfly remembrance wall? Download the form here.

Even though my grief is my own, I am not alone..

Adam’s Story

Adam was diagnosed November 14, 2007 with an inoperable brainstem tumor. His prognosis – 12 to 14 months. After much research we found ourselves at St. Jude Children Research Hospital in Memphis, TN. After 31 radiation treatments and a clinical trial chemotherapy, we came back to Michigan on January 17, 2008.

Adam had six months of tumor stability, which provided us the chance to take him to Walt Disney World through Make-A-Wish Foundation. We were also able to take him to our family’s lake house in Harrison, MI. This is a place he loved and referenced frequently during time spent at St. Jude Children Research Hospital.

In June, 2008, we began to notice Adam’s symptoms returning. On July 10th, our fears were confirmed; the tumor was progressing. We changed chemotherapies, but the chances of it working to help him were next to nothing. Adam worsened and passed away September 21, 2008, after two months of slowly watching him fade from this world.

Adam had a 15- and 2-year-old sister at the time of his passing. How would we help them and ourselves deal with losing him? We realized in talking with other parents, there seemed to be several families dealing with a loss here in Jackson, MI. Why not bring this special community (that no one should belong to) together? On December 11, 2008, Another Day Another Memory (A.D.A.M) was born. Adam loved to do things for others; we want to continue that on for him. We know he would be proud.